UPDATE FROM 2010 before I started classes while working (WOW):
So I have been studying very hard for this certification to enter a more competitive and stable career. As an #artist you hit slumps severally when working independent and or on contract. Aside from being an artist Ive always been interested in the medical field. I taught as a teacher while doing art on the side for almost three years for experience and for loan forgiveness. (that didn't go as plan due to not meeting requirements)
Even before my dad suggested medical school for stability a few years back I had already considered switching. The payment plan for school is the issue I face right now. I've paid for more than half but the school is saying they need all monies now or monthly while attended courses.
Money for me is sparatic and when I receive it, priorities come first! Ive downsized twice in less than one year. Much to free up time to make more money. Now that there is time, my industry in the media world is compartmentalized in only 4 cities and if you've worked from Texas you no what a hassle it is working remotely for clients in Chicago, New York, Cali and Florida. Funny thing I wonder how many other people face this issue and are forced to quit and resume when they can afford it. My mom is already saying to quit to avoid unnecessary debt.
From loans to alternative loans my undergraduate loans are complete and to the max from the other degrees I acquired some time ago. Both my parents carry good points about stable job security away from the arts yet when your only opposition is money and the career choice you currently have is in a bad patch for artist all around the globe, then what? Im like, do I move to a better location or switch careers?
Im too much of a square to go through drastic measures and would probably do as many boring jobs if need be yet Im just finding out about the deadline which is only a week away. In my case I don't feel sorry for myself, if you're anything like me you just wonder what else can be done on such short notice. Im glad I even started this is the first place. These mishaps are teaching me. I started on this same journey back in 2011 at another college and I had "instructor opposition" with adding 3 F's to my transcript for merely not taking a two week trip to Big Bend (this was for course credit)
At my current college, my financial aid officer who made an error making me to believe I had enough to cover courses and Im now learning thats not so. In fact! I have to figure something out before Im suspended from courses within the next week and or drop the courses voluntarily. If I had known of this error I wouldnt have agreed to start. I've worked ahead in my course work by three units and passed my mates who now are finding it hard to juggle family , work and loads of course work.
We as school mates help each other with our course work and when we are doing hands on medical related activities, the energy from doing something you said you'd do and actually getting it done is amazing. I've been begging for work since my last contract ended at a trade show company. It's crazy, I've never had a problem with finding work it's sad really and I know for sure Im not alone. There are friends of mine who have masters degrees and can't find work.
#economy #careerchange #medschool #medicalassistant #moneyproblems #believe #art #artist (I believe something has to work out in this career change or in the one I already have) So I #pray and I do something about in the meantime!
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