Saturday, July 26, 2014

"God Like Complex" (Controlling People)

Too often our frustration with others and our opinions about the way people should do or should not do things transfers over in a ugly way. Then you are angry because of what you can not control or change. Causing yourself to ooze out unnecessary hatred and frustration for people who don't act under certain terms you agree with. Your good intentions and concern has now transformed into something bad. Everyone has an idea of how the world works or ought to work, but leaning to ones own understanding is paralyzing!

State the facts but allow God to sort out the rest. Controlling Others? That's not your job to do. It's not our job to judge or place others where they ought not be. You just may be their stumbling block but you think your helping. It's simple, be kind to those we don't understand and patient with those who are beyond your reach. I thank God this type of "God Complexed" human-being has no control over my life. My mind is clear and secure, moving bs out of ones path is not over night. So know that you don't need to save people from themselves, how will they learn?

That, "they don't get it" means they don't get your way of thinking doesn't mean there aren't parallel to their destiny, you can't see their future the way God can. God can't do his job with you picking and swinging mood to mood about people you can't control. People with control issues are used to a lot power and don't often see some of their warp sense of beliefs as a abusive, controlling "do as I say manner".

Even in higher levels of life, people perpetuate abuse and rarely see it, Dear human you are not God. He is and will always be the one and only master of my life. God gave us dominion over this realm and as far as I can see we can do better by starting with ourselves. If you're concerned for others reach out to them and DO SOMETHING, talking does nothing!

All these same wasted energies in telling folks they are loosing in the same sense is becoming your exact same loss. When you allow yourselves to get bent out of shape over someone else's affairs and their ways of doing something, that has now taken far too much energy from you my friend.

Do your self this justice and a favor, mind your own business if you don't intend to help. Make sure all loose ends in your life are tied tight. Focusing on others too much is a distraction. You say to people you're too distracted, "focus", dwelling on their mishaps throws you off too my friend! In order to practice what we preach we don't need to be a never-ending story for people to understand our concern. In fact people know who they owe, what they need to do, where to go and many factors must play out before some of these so called "lazy" people can make their next move.

God made human beings brilliant and we have much tenacity. All the good people speak and do today, any one can acquire, it's in us all. We don't need the latest trends or folks to guide us. Everything is within. Unless someone says to you directly their is an issue, don't assume from the outside looking in. And again, talking only does so much, take action in the lives of those you "care" about so much. If they don't adhere to your concern and effort leave the rest to God. I pride myself of being a doer, I don't harp on the truth, I find answers and I guide. You're not getting through to them because much around us has changed and the old way of doing things won't work.

Trying to control people is the one mastery "godLike" complex we all suffer with. It may not be a matter of people getting out of their own way it may be a matter of you getting out of their way. Are you gossiping, preaching or helping?

Lastly, some of us are "one timers" if we sincerely reach out for help and you reject us, start up unnecessary drama, we may never cross that path with you again. Some people get stuck on their missed opportunities and then go full blast in "control mode." It's too late, let go and know that God has those people as well as he has you. Don't pray for me and then ask what are you going to do? This contradiction tells people where your faith lies and what you really think. Take care of you and take action if you really care, otherwise the people who matter to you most are kept waiting while you are trying to be God. Time management skills are prevalent today! Dig in where it matters and mind how you treat people and careful your word choice as well!

Continued Blessing All,

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