Sunday, July 13, 2014


My biggest challenge since childhood is being misunderstood. Too often we judge the kindness and openness of others. I have realized some are merely in fear of the practice of boldness and loving out loud. It's not by force that we choose to love it's by the things within us that compel us to. I have discovered some of our people can be selfish when it comes to harboring the love of others. Loving outside your immediate circles is okay and you should not feel compelled to please anyone threatened by that. 

Ambitious people, loving people especially those who love out loud need room for more than just one influence. If you're anything like me you find yourself apologizing to self centered people a lot because they don't get that it is okay to love more than just "You". How can we expect to grow with the idea that I should be "the only one" . I know my space and my limit with loving out loud yet it doesn't mean people won't find a way to misconstrue my intentions. And that's okay. I don't live for those people. They don't pay my bills and I doubt I'd sit down for dinner with them. 

I love the open minded and loathe the instigators of our day for they thrive on confusion and hate. Those kinds of people still need love, I pray for them and avoid like the plague lol. It is a choice to love and be happy and a bigger choice to walk in forgiveness when being misunderstood. As people watch you the eye of God sees all. Continued blessings.
Cecilia O.

Happy Sunday Everyone! Making Others Happy Makes Me Happy. Check out my artwork for sale! Thank You.

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